Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Zulutrade C# API with GUI

If you are a trader and a signal provider (the trader who actually shares and sells his trades), you might be interested in Zulutrade API GUI wrapper. It utilizes the  Zulutrade C#  API , kindly provided by Zulutrade. The API works nicely, however it is not easy to start using it straight away. You need the interface (GUI).
This application can be used as standalone program to monitor and  execute the orders or as a part of the new project.

How to use

Start the app, enter your Username and the Password and click "Test". Wait,  and in a few seconds you'll get the result. (OK or failure)
Then click Start Polling. The system will start sending the requests to the Zulu server.
The open positions will be displayed in the listview.
To open or close the orders (positions), click the buttons Open or Close Selected.

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